Our board

Executive Board

The Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of Centric and oversees the organization’s operational and strategic activities.

Hans van Waaijenburg, CEO

Hans van Waaijenburg, Chief Executive Officer

(statutory director)


Guido Winkelman

Guido Winkelman, Chief Financial Officer

(statutory director)


Debby de Gelder treedt toe tot directie Centric als Chief People Officer (CPO)

Debby de Gelder, Chief People Officer

Tim Klinkert, Chief Legal Officer

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board oversees the management and general operations of Centric. They act as advisors and a sounding board for the Executive Board.

  • Jurjen van der Wiel (Chair)
  • Harm Jan van Goor
  • Dirk Heerschop
  • Barbara van Hussen
  • Pieter Schoehuijs