
Managed Modern Workplace

Working partly in the office and partly at home: hybrid working is increasingly becoming the norm. With the Managed Modern Workplace you offer your employees a workplace as a service, with which they can share their creativity and knowledge, and collaborate anytime, anywhere, and device-independent. Safe, simple, and future proof!
Managed Modern Workplace

Future-proof workplace focused on user experience and convenience

Centric's Managed Modern Workplace is a cloud-based workplace, developed based on the latest Microsoft 365 and Azure technologies. The workplace is continuously developed, so you always have the most innovative technologies at your disposal. The workplace empowers your employees, improves your ability to innovate, and guarantees the continuity of your business.

Safety first

Of course, your employees must be able to work safely. Our Managed Modern Workplace therefore complies with all measures in the field of information security. We use the zero trust principle: never trust, always verify. With security technologies (such as Microsoft Defender for Endpoints and Microsoft Security Baseline) and the Center for Internet Security Level 1 benchmark, your employees have secure and modern access to their data.


You want to innovate by monitoring KPIs and business goals? Managed Modern Workplace makes it possible. As an extra service we report and advise you continuously on the progress in this area. Furthermore, we organize inspiration sessions and hands-on workshops to discover technologies that add value to your business process or digital transformation.

Change and adoption

For the implementation of the Managed Modern Workplace, Centric uses the Prosci ADKAR approach; a methodology that Microsoft recommends and applies. With the methodology, we focus on the technical implementation of the Managed Modern Workplace and the change and adoption activities on the human side of the change. These adoption and change activities are important to ensure that your employees understand the change and can take full advantage of it.


The Managed Modern Workplace is flexible. The solution moves with your organizational needs and the changes in the market. Thanks to the modular structure, we seamlessly align the workplace with the roles and functions within your organization.

Key features

  • Smarter and more efficient collaboration
  • Governance framework for continuous renewal and adoption
  • Fast onboarding
  • Flexible and future-proof
  • Manageable
  • Intelligently secured

Possible extensions to the service

The Managed Modern Workplace is a foundation that can be enriched with options and add-ons. Think of a high secure user profile, smart working with Microsoft Teams Rooms or a cloud workplace for maximum freedom.

If you want specific services to support your employees, we are happy to assist you with our End User Service Desk, IT Experience Desk and On-site Support services.

Facilitate innovation and digital transformation

Focus on primary business processes and innovation

Opting for a safe and compliant working environment