With Managed Web hosting, Heijmans gains insight and control over their websites. Heijmans' web design partners work closely with Centric in the Centric hosting environment: the Managed Web hosting platform. We asked Mariëlle Beset-Kroon (IT professional at Heijmans) and Rob Wintermans (portfolio manager at Heijmans) about their experiences with Centric.
Why have you placed the web hosting with Centric?
Mariëlle: “We used to work with many different hosting parties, which meant we had little control over security. By placing the hosting with one party, we can make better agreements about this. Security was the most important reason for us.”
Rob: “We prefer to work with one party that centralises and organises the tasks, rather than with several separate parties that we have to manage. Moreover - and that was a nice extra - with Managed Webhosting we could make a big step when it comes to compliance.”