America Today

Moving towards omnichannel commerce with inPosition

Retail Retail

America Today has successfully been bringing the American college lifestyle to Europe since 1989. With online shops and brick-and-mortar stores across the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, the chain has become a familiar face in the retail landscape. To provide its customers with even greater service, America Today recently decided to replace its POS systems, ultimately committing to Centric’s inPosition retail solution.

America Today invests heavily in its omnichannel strategy. The retailer therefore approached Centric to determine which applications could boost customer satisfaction levels among America Today's omnichannel consumers. Centric advised the fashion chain to make the switch to inPosition, the retail solution for all touchpoints with a real-time link to the online shop.

America Today decided to run a pilot in one store to see to what extent inPosition would contribute to a positive shopping experience. As luck would have it, the pilot could soon after be rolled out to three more shops, two of these being newly opened and the other in the process of being refurbished.

America Today

“Because of the shorter lines at the cash desk thanks to the mobile points of sale, we soon saw higher customer throughput in the stores. And the customers responded positively too.”

Robert Jan Paape IT Manager, America Today

Robert Jan, IT Manager at America Today: “Because of the shorter lines at the cash desk thanks to the mobile points of sale, we soon saw higher customer throughput in the stores. And the customers responded positively too. They were enthusiastic about the product and stock information on tablets and paying via the mobile POS. And customers who continue to pay at the traditional cash desk now also receive a lot of information thanks to the customer displays. These displays don’t just quickly flash up product codes and prices, but instead, customers can see a screen clearly displaying all purchases, sometimes even with matching images.”

Service above all else

The pilot was a huge success and America Today recently decided to launch a phased rollout of the platform across all its stores. “In the pilot we saw that inPosition did exactly what it was designed to do, help our customers in an accessible way. inPosition is nice to work with, not just for customers, but also for in-store staff – for example, when they want to view stock or look up additional product information.”


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